Checking In/Out/Demobilization Personnel to an Incident/Event in Operations Center | Scribe

    Checking In/Out/Demobilization Personnel to an Incident/Event in Operations Center

    • H Bucky Buchanan |
    • 72 steps |
    • 5 minutes
    • D4HD4H
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    Checking In/Assigning NJEMSTF Member

    Click Incident/Event you are checking a MEMBER into
    Click "Personnel"
    Click "Andrew Welsh"
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! If the member does NOT show up on this list, click on "ADD" and search for the member, then ADD
    Double-click the members name to open their 214 log
    Click "Select a role" and enter their role for this incident.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! If they do not have a leadership role, they can be added to their Module as Other.
    Click the Role they are assuming
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! If the role and/or module they are assigned to is not showing, contact one of the State Planners or the MACGp Manager
    Make sure email and phone are listed in both places on the top of the form.
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! If it is not you can use CTRL C to copy and CTRL V to insert
    Paste here if not filled in already.
    Click here to save.
    Click "Select an option"
    Click "Checked-In"
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! \ **PENDING CHECK-IN** means the member was ordered but has not arrived\ **CHECKED IN** means a member is actively assigned to a role during the current operational period\ **CHECKED OUT** means the member is no longer assigned to an active role during the current operational period but will return in the future. \ **DEMOBILIZED** means the member has completed their time with the team for this event/incident and will not be returning\ UNASSIGNED PERSON means the member has arrived, but has not been assigned a position. This can be used for observers, personnel in staging, etc.
    Enter the time they FIRST logged in/arrived to the incident/event
    Click here to save date/time.