Chrome River - Creating an Expense Report | Scribe

    Chrome River - Creating an Expense Report

    • Katie Shonk |
    • 17 steps |
    • 2 minutes

      From the Okta Dashboard, click the Chrome River tile.


      Wait a day or two after purchasing an item to allow the charge to post to your credit card. Once this occurs the items will appear as "Credit Card Items". Click " Credit Card Items".


      Click the box next to the transaction.


      Click "Add Selected Transactions to Report"


      Click "Create a New Expense Report". Alternately, if you have an expense report in progress, select the appropriate report. For this example, we'll create a new report.


      Enter an appropriate name for your expense report, and click "Save". Note: multiple charges under multiple job numbers or overhead can appear in the same report. Many individuals keep a weekly expense report. For this example, we'll create a unique expense report for this specific expense.

      information ordinal icon

      Tip! Consult the Alliance Coding Guide for questions on overhead/project codes and a expense tile selection. [\\\_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={6DE4DCA4-CD00-4B1B-A9E1-335F3327E3BB}&file=110.009 Alliance Coding Guide 24.0.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true](


      Select the appropriate Expense Type tile.


      Note that certain expense types have sub-categories. Select as appropriate.


      Enter notes identifying the charge under "Business Purpose".


      Click "Search for Allocation". If you know the correct project or overhead number, enter it here. Otherwise, you can search ATLAS for the appropriate number.


      *For overhead-related expenses only*, enter "88000 - Overhead". There will also be choices required to identify Business Unit and the Office/Department. Use the drop-downs to select the appropriate choices. NOTE: Select the Office/Location based on whose budget the expense will be allocated, so if supplies are purchased for a particular office or location, that office should be selected rather than the business support group (ex: OPEX, HR, Safety, etc.). For example: 1. An Equipment Coordinator from PIT would enter AST as the business unit and Pittsburgh for the office. 2. A Lab Technician from SEA would enter AAS as the business unit and Seattle for the office. 3. A Regional Safety Manager purchasing PPE for Cedar Rapids would enter AST as the business unit and Cedar Rapids for the office.


      After entering the allocation code, click "Add Attachments" to select the receipt.


      If you've already uploaded your receipt, click "From Receipt Gallery". Otherwise, select "Upload Attachments" to upload your receipt from your computer.


      In this example, the receipt is already in the Receipt Gallery, so check the box next to the appropriate receipt, and click "Attach".


      Click "Save".


      Review the information, and click "Submit".


      A confirmation window will pop-up. Click "Submit".