Download the Cisco Secure Client predeploy package from Umbrella Dashboard
Click "Deployments" > "Roaming Computers"
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Click "Roaming Client"
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Click "macOS" Predeploy Package; it will download to your Downloads folder
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Click "Download Module Profile" to obtain the profile (OrgInfo.json file) as well
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If you do not have access to the Cisco dashboard, you can download the dmg here: [cisco-secure-client-macos-](
Create the tmp Folder
Navigate to Private folder by going to Finder > "Go" > "Go to Folder" /private/
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Right click anywhere and Click "New Folder"
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Name it "tmp" (if a tmp file already exists, rename the old tmp file "tmp2").
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In another Finder window, locate the "Cisco Secure predeploy" dmg (it should be in your Downloads folder). Double-click to mount it.
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Click "Cisco Secure Client.pkg" from the dmg, and drag it to the newly created tmp folder
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Click "Profiles" and drag to the "tmp" folder
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Edit the Installer Files
Back in the tmp file, open the "ACTransformers.xml" file with text editor or another code editor of your choice
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Delete everything above <Transforms> and uncomment if you do not wish to install VPN
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It should look like this:
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Delete all the folders under "Profiles" in the tmp folder
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Create and Edit the Install_choices.xml File
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key