Claim a Guest Permit Invite on Behalf of a Guest | Scribe

    Claim a Guest Permit Invite on Behalf of a Guest

      • StanfordStanford
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      Important: These instructions are intended for the Department Representative to claim a permit on behalf of a guest. This requires an existing Guest Permit Invite Batch with pending/unclaimed invite(s). If you need to create a guest permit invite batch, please follow the instructions [here]( first then return to this page
      First log in to a your Department, Contractor, or Vendor Account using [these instructions](
      Once logged in to a Department Account, Click "Permits"
      Navigate to the Guest Permit Invite Batch that has the invite you want to claim and Click "View". Keep this window open as you proceed to the next step.
      Open a private or incognito browser in a separate tab. In Chrome, do this by clicking on the three dots on the top right of the browser window. Then click 'New Incognito Window'. A new window should open.
      In the Incognito (or private) browser window, go to <>and then click 'Claim Permit Invite'. You should see a field to enter an Access Key. Keep this page open as you proceed to the next step.
      Return to the batch invite page from Step 3, right-click the Access Key you want to Claim and Copy it. Alternatively, you can select the Access Key and press Ctrl + C to copy it.
      Return to the incognito (or private) browser and paste the Access Key into the field and click 'Search'.
      Enter the required guest's information to complete claiming the permit. This will send them a receipt confirmation with their permit number. Note: The "Email" field is intended for guest email addresses only.
      Click "Add Vehicle", enter the vehicle information, then Click "Add".
      Click "Complete guest permit invite"
      You've now claimed the permit on behalf of the guest and should see the confirmation page. Note: The receipt confirmation detail is only sent to the guest. Departments can choose to print or capture this screen for record-keeping.