Class Roster Report | Scribe

    Class Roster Report

    • Stacy Price |
    • 11 steps |
    • 26 seconds
    • WvregistryWvregistry
    Click "Reporting"
    Click "Create"
    Name the Report. Since attendance needs saved for five years after the event is held, it can be beneficial to name it with name of the training and include the event date.
    Click the "Course" box and start typing in the name of the course (it should populate).
    Click the Scheduled Event box and select the correct option.
    You can include other various options if desired, including completed events, in the search. Click "Search" to see the results.
    Find the event you are wanting to run a report for and select the box next to its name.
    For the Dispaly Options, you will want to include some Empty Signature Lines to give participants a chance to sign the sign-in column and verify their attendance (if they didn't register online but show up to a face-to-face training).
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    Up to 19 empty signature lines will fit on one page.
    Include the Email Address Column, Scheduled Event Sign-In Column, and Organizational Node Path Column options.
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    You don't need to select the Phone Number or User Free Form Field columns unless you are cancelling the event. If cancelling, also include the phone number column.
    Sort the records by last name if desired.
    Click "Run Report".
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    You will see your report on the right side of the page (under the "View Reports" tab). Click its title to view the information and print it off/take with you as necessary.
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    It is required to maintain a (completed/signed) copy of this report either physically or electronically for 5 years after the training event.