Cleaning up the Assignments area (Adding all graded items to one assignment Group) | Scribe

    Cleaning up the Assignments area (Adding all graded items to one assignment Group)

      Click on your Canvas Assignments link.
      If you have some graded items in an assignment group by themselves or with a few other items, and you need all graded items in one group, click the waffle (6 dots) to the left of one of the assignment names. You can click & drag (click, hold down your mouse, drag the assignment into the other assignment group, and when you get it where you want it, release your mouse). Keep in mind, the organization/order of the assignments in the Assignments area will be the default order you see these items in the Canvas Grades area. If you want to re-order the grade center, then re-order the Assignments in the Assignments area. (\*There are other ways to organize the grade center, directly inside the grades area, BUT, this is the way that will hold and carry over when you copy the course in a future semester. This is also the order that students will see the items in their Grades area.\*)
      Repeat Step 2 for every assignment that you want to move.
      If you see empty Assignment Groups (each header is a "group"), click the Snowman (three dots) in the empty group's header row to "Manage Assignments".
      Click " Delete" to delete the empty assignment group.
      Click "OK". Repeat this process with all empty groups you do not want to use.