Click "Expand All" to view all items in the CloseOut Log.
Every column on the log is filterable to let you view it according to your preferences.
You can see from a top level of the log the number of items and percentage complete for that "Category".
When you click on the “Category,” the details panel will open, displaying a chart showing the status of all items within it.
Each item in the log is color-coded to match its status, allowing you to quickly see its status at a glance.
Adding Items to your CloseOut Log
Click "Add Items"
This will open a list of selectable items that have not been added to the log.
Click the checkbox of the items you want to add.
Click "Submit" to add in the selected items.
Uploading and Found Files Functionality
[Go to Uploading and Found Files help](
Adding Equipment Items and Item Codes
[Go to CloseOut Equipment Turnover help](
Viewing Files in CloseOut
Select the CloseOut Category corresponding to the item you wish to view files for.
Tip! All statuses but "New" should have files in them.
Click the CloseOut Item you would like to view the files for.
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When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
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