Cloud Marketplace and Deployment Manager | Scribe

    Cloud Marketplace and Deployment Manager

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 42 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
    Sign into the **Google Cloud Console**
    Type "**Marketplace**" in the search bar and click on the **Marketplace** option
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    **What is Marketplace?**\ \ **Google Cloud Marketplace** is an online store where you can discover, purchase, and deploy a wide range of pre-configured software solutions, including applications, virtual machines, and development stacks. It offers both free and paid options from Google and third-party vendors, making it easier to integrate and manage software in your Google Cloud environment.
    **Marketplace** wizard will open, here you can view all the products
    Type "**Wordpress**" in the search bar and click on the **Wordpress** option
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    **What is Wordpress?**\ \ **WordPress** is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) used for creating and managing websites and blogs. It provides an easy-to-use interface for building websites without needing to write code, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers. WordPress supports a wide range of themes and plugins, allowing users to customize the design and functionality of their sites. It can be hosted on various platforms, including Google Cloud, where it can be deployed with scalability and performance enhancements.
    Click on the **Wordpress** **- Google Click to Deploy** option
    **Wordpress** wizard will open, click on the **GET STARTED** button
    **Agreements** wizard will open, tick the checkbox of **Terms and agreements** and click on the **AGREE** button
    **Successfully agreed to terms** wizard will open, click on the **DEPLOY** button
    **Enable required APIs** wizard will open, click on the **ENABLE** button
    **New WordPress deployment** wizard will open, give the Deployment Name as - "**wordpress-1**"
    On the **Zone** section, here you can select the Zone close to your location
    Scroll to the **Administrator e-mail address** section and give your Admin email address
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    **What is Administrator e-mail address?**\ \ The **Administrator e-mail address** is the email address designated for the administrator of a system, application, or service. This address is typically used for receiving important notifications, managing user accounts, configuring settings, and handling administrative tasks. It serves as the main point of contact for system management and communication.
    Scroll to the **Boot Disk** section, here you can configure the Boot Disk
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    **What are Boot Disks?**\ \ **Boot disks** are the primary storage devices attached to virtual machines (VMs) in cloud environments or physical computers. They contain the operating system (OS), system files, and essential software needed to start (or "boot") the machine. In Google Cloud, boot disks can be customized in terms of size and type (e.g., SSD or standard persistent disk) and are critical for initializing and running VMs.
    Scroll to the **Firewall** section and tick the checkbox **Allow HTTP traffic from the internet**
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    **What is Allow HTTP traffic from the internet?**\ \ **Allow HTTP traffic from the internet** is a security setting in Google Cloud that permits inbound HTTP requests to reach a virtual machine (VM) instance. Enabling this option allows web traffic from the public internet to access your VM, typically used for web servers hosting websites or APIs. It ensures that your VM can serve web content to users over the standard HTTP protocol.
    Scroll the page and click on the **DEPLOY** button