Coaching Insights Overview | Scribe

Coaching Insights Overview

  • Talia Rosenblum |
  • 0 step |
  • 45 seconds
  • SoundingboardincSoundingboardinc
Navigate to <> and log in as an Admin, Sponsor, or Stakeholder. Admins, Sponsors and/or Stakeholders (based on their roles in the system) have dashboards that show essential information about the status of coaching at their organization, helping them understand the progress and impact of programs. If you expect to see these dashboards but cannot, you likely need additional user permissions. Please contact your Admin for the necessary permissions.
**Navigate to your Admin or Company Dashboard** These Insights will be available under your Admin or Company Dashboards, depending on your roles in the system. For more information, see [Toggling Multi-Role Dashboards: Sounding Board Access]( *Note: If you only have one role, you will not be able or need to toggle here; as long as you have a role with access to insights, you will see the information under your Dashboard.*
**Insights Dashboards Availability** We are currently upgrading our Insights Dashboards, which means not all users will have access to the new visualizations yet, as detailed in this article. If you would like to know when you’ll have access to the upgrade, please contact your Program Admin or the Sounding Board Customer Team.
**Coaching Insights Dashboard Overview** The coaching insights dashboard is organized into distinct tabs, each focusing on different aspects of the coaching: - **Onboarding Insights** - Tracks the progress of users creating their Sounding Board accounts and initiating coaching. - [Coaching Onboarding Insights]( - **Engagement Insights** - Shows user engagement with the platform, including session utilization and initial program satisfaction ratings. - [Coaching Engagement Insights]( - **Development Insights** - Provides insights into coachees' progress and development through their Leadership Roadmap goals. - [Coaching Development Insights]( - **Impact Insights** - Demonstrates the overall impact and experience of coaching through coachee core survey responses. - [Coaching Impact Insights](
**Insights Data Access** Access to insights data varies by role: - **Admins** and **Sponsors** - View company-wide data across all engagements - **Stakeholders** - View data limited to their assigned engagements only While all roles can access the same dashboard tabs and cards, the scope of visible data differs based on these access levels.
**Coaching Insights Dashboard Filtering** The coaching insights dashboard can be filtered by Module and Program - Click "**Filters**" - Select the **Modules(s**) and/or **Program(s)** - Close the side-panel
**Coaching Insights Dashboard Filtering** Filter selections appear as chips above the dashboard for easy reference. To remove any filters - - Click the ✖️ (remove x) button on the chip OR - Click "**Filters**" and "**Reset Filters**" - Close the side-panel
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