Collaborate With Your Team - Creating and sending email reminders | Scribe

Collaborate With Your Team - Creating and sending email reminders

  • Fernando Montenegro |
  • 0 step |
  • 3 minutes
  • ClearpointstrategyClearpointstrategy
Start by logging into ClearPoint Strategy at [](

Creating a new email reminder

- From the Control Panel click on **Automation** - Click on **Reminders** under Notifications & Reminders - Click on the **Plus icon**
- Under **Name**, enter the name of the new Reminder, in this example, ‘Central Division Dec 2023 Reminder’. - Select the **Recipients** by marking the appropriate checkbox
- You can decide to carbon copy emails in the **Copy Emails To** - Under **Subject**, enter the subject, in this example, ‘Central Division Dec 2023 Reminder’.
- Please consider the following in the **Message field** - When customizing the Message text, make sure to leave {FirstName}, {ReportingPeriod}, and {ItemList} intact. - These codes will pull in the relevant information (first name, reporting period, and included elements) for each user receiving the email. - You can also use {fullName} or {lastName} as tokens in the reminder template.
- Navigate to the **Scorecards tab**, you will be able to select the Scorecards to be included
- The **Status tab** will allow you to choose one or more Statuses if necessary, for example, you can remind your users to update all elements that have a status Not Defined and No Information
- In the **Elements tab**, you can select the Elements you want to remind your users to update
- The **Owners tab** allows you to filter by Element owner
- In the **Dates tab**, you can choose the number of Days Since Last Update
- The **Recipient Preview tab** shows a preview of all users who will be sent a reminder, along with which elements will be included - Once you are done with your configuration, click **Save**

Sending an email reminder

- From the Control Panel click on **Automation** - Click on **Reminders** under Notifications & Reminders
- Click the **three dots icon** next to the edit Pencil icon - Select **Send Reminder** - Using the dropdown menu select the **Reporting Period** - Once you click **Send**, an email will be sent immediately to the selected recipients.

Scheduling an email reminder

To learn how to schedule email reminders, check out [Managing Schedules]( for further instructions.
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