Collaborate With Your Team - Emailing a page in ClearPoint | Scribe

    Collaborate With Your Team - Emailing a page in ClearPoint

    • Fernando Montenegro |
    • 0 step |
    • 58 seconds
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    How to email a page in ClearPoint

    In this example, we are going to send an email containing a Scorecard report but the same steps apply to all types of pages in ClearPoint.
    - Select **Scorecards & Elements** from the Control Panel - Choose **Manage Reports** - Open **Scorecard Reports**
    - Locate the **Scorecard** you are going to be working with, in this example, ‘BSC View’ - Click on the **dropdown menu** next to the edit Pencil icon - Select **Email page**
    - Choose the **Recipients** from the dropdown menu - Any email address of a user in ClearPoint will autofill - You can also add non-user email addresses as external emails.
    - By default, you will see a prepopulated **Subject** that you can modify - You have the option to receive a copy of the email by marking the checkbox next to **Send me a copy of this message**
    - Include a message in the **Body field** - Select a **Page Size** using the dropdown menu - Choose the **Page Orientation** - Once you are done, click **Save**
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