WALKTHROUGH: Course Registrations for the Express Program | Scribe

    WALKTHROUGH: Course Registrations for the Express Program

    • 15 steps |
    • 38 seconds
    • TfaformsTfaforms
    • CommcorpCommcorp
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    Tip: For full instructions on how to apply for the Express Program, please check out [this video](https://commcorphelp.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/44002338846-what-is-the-express-program-and-how-do-i-apply-).

    Adding Courses to Your Express Application

    Note your contract begin and end dates. These fields are based on the date your application is submitted - your start date is 21 days in the future, which is the exact amount of time your application needs to be processed. If your application is approved, this will be the "Approved Start Date" of your training - all courses must occur **on or after this date.**
    Click the text box under "Step 1: Please choose the Training Provider Name" to search for your desired provider. If you're applying from the course page itself, this information will be pre-populated. Check out our [Express Course Directory](https://commcorp.org/subprogram/wtfp-express-directory/) to see the providers and courses currently approved for funding.
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    NOTE: Commonwealth Corporation makes no endorsement regarding the quality of the training providers/courses listed in the directory. Businesses must conduct their own research and are responsible for confirming course availability and pricing with their selected training providers **prior to** submitting an application.
    Click the text box below "Please enter the Course ID as shown in the Express Directory." field, and enter the course record number associated with the course you are requesting funding for. The course record number should populate underneath the field in a dropdown menu. Click on the number, and the next 5 fields should auto fill with additional course details.
    Review the auto-filled information in the next five fields, paying close attention to the training provider name and course name to verify the course name/provider are what your team will be taking. The costs seen in this area are amounts the provider has shared with us, however, may not be what you have negotiated to pay- we’ll get more information on your actual course costs soon.
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    If the course name and/or training provider **does not** line up with the course your business is taking, please **pause** your application and reach out to the Express Team ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) to verify you have the correct course ID. Applying for the wrong course may result in the inability to receive reimbursement.
    Click the date picker field below "When will this group begin training?" field, and select your training start date. This date needs to be **on or after** the date you selected prior for your contract approval in [Step 1.](https://scribehow.com/shared/Complete_Course_Registration_for_Workforce_Training_Program__LKnRSEbfS5i92rg7ecaCMg#bc70ff33)
    Click the date picker field below "When will this group complete training?" You can find the approximate length of courses on your specific Course Detail page.
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    Tip! We understand that sometimes schedules can shift based on business need, and are here to help. While you must begin training on or after your approved start date in your contract, we're happy to work with you if your course dates change within your contract term. Write us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to let us know if your date shifts, and we'd be happy to assist.
    Click the text field below "How many W-2 employees currently on your payroll in Massachusetts are in this group?" field and enter the number of expected eligible participants. The following FAQ articles may be helpful in identifying eligible team members as of the time of the application: - [View Article ](https://commcorphelp.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/44002312570-can-i-add-trainees-to-an-application-that-has-already-been-approved-)| Can I add trainees to an application that has already been approved? - [View Article](https://commcorphelp.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/44002310825-my-employees-work-remotely-for-my-massachusetts-business-but-they-live-outside-of-the-state-is-the-)| My employees work remotely for my Massachusetts business, but they live outside of the state. Is the training of these employees eligible for Express Program funding? - [View Article](https://commcorphelp.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/44002335325-i-want-to-train-a-new-hire-but-they-have-not-started-yet-when-can-they-start-training-)| I want to train a new hire, but they have not started yet. When can they start training?

    Group Rate vs Per-Trainee Rate

    Note: Courses may be offered a rates that are per-group, per-trainee, or both. Our FAQ goes into more detail about the different rates to provide guidance | [Read the Article](https://commcorphelp.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/44002520067-what-do-i-enter-in-the-please-enter-the-price-you-re-paying-field-of-the-application-) Prior to submitting your application, the rate type being paid will have been confirmed between you and the training provider. If you are unsure of how you are being charged, please pause the application and contact the training provider to confirm the details before submitting your application. For the purposes of this walkthrough, the course selected offers both a per-trainee and per-group rate.
    Click the dropdown to select the rate type for the course selected. For this example, we'll show both rate types for 10 participants. We'll start with a Group Rate:
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    Please note that if the rate type or course cost selected is not approved for the course you've chosen, the Express team will update your application, which could result in a lower reimbursement amount than what was expected. Please see [What Costs are Eligible in the Express Program?](https://commcorphelp.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/44002531842-what-costs-are-eligible-in-the-express-program-) for more details.
    Enter the price paid per trainee, or per group, based on the selection in the first box directly under the group/trainee rate selection box. In this case, we have entered $3,600.00 for the group of 10, which results in a total cost of $3,600 for training the **group**.
    Alternatively, if we select the "per-trainee" rate for the course at 10 participants, the price entered at $3,600 will result in a **total** cost for the 10 attendees of $36,000 ($3600 \* 10). If the “total cost of training for this group” doesn’t look right, there’s a good chance either the wrong rate type or course cost has been entered, or the combination is incorrect. This issue can be remedied by ensuring the correct rate type and/or the correct course cost is entered.
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    A note on per-trainee courses: If you have multiple trainees attending a course and their course costs are different amounts due to discounts, enter the course as many times as needed to capture the correct actual costs. You will be reimbursed up to the entered per trainee cost **in the application**; if you average the costs instead of adding them individually, it may mean a lower reimbursement amount for the employees which made more. Example: Course 101 offers a discount of $100 to members. Employee A is a member, and so has a total cost of $500 for Course 101. Employee B is not a member, and must pay the full price of $600. To enter this on the application, you'd list Course 101 twice following the instructions above, but instead of entering the number of trainees as 2 (as in the example), you'd enter 1 for Employee A at a price of $500, and then opt to [ADD A COURSE ](https://scribehow.com/shared/WALKTHROUGH_Course_Registrations_for_the_Express_Program__LKnRSEbfS5i92rg7ecaCMg#973432c6)(described further below). Enter the same details for Course 101 as if it were a new course, enter 1 for Employee B, and a price of $600. If you are still unsure how to enter course, cost, you can email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

    Adding Multiple Courses