Completing Student Hire Forms in Interview Exchange | Scribe

    Completing Student Hire Forms in Interview Exchange

    • Student Employment |
    • 33 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • InterviewexchangeInterviewexchange
    • ClarkuClarku

    Accessing Interview Exchange

    Navigate to[](
    Click "Hirezon/Interview Exchange Login"
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! If you encounter an error message and are unable to access Interview Exchange, please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for an account.
    Select the Forms module.
    Select "Student Employment" from the drop down.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! If there is no drop down menu, please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to be added to the Student Employment side.

    Starting a New Form

    Click "+ Start New Form"
    Click the Department drop down menu. Search for the org number you wish to use.
    Click "Student Employment Forms" from the Category drop down menu.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! The next step relates to whether your student worker has been onboarded by Clark University before! - If the student **has not worked** on campus before, select "Student Worker - New." - If the student **has worked** on campus before (in yours or a different department) and does not need to complete onboarding, select "Student Worker - Previously Employed."
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! If you are unsure if a student has worked on campus before, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we will determine who needs to be onboarded before starting work.
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! Use the Student External Grant Payroll Authorization hire form if the fund you are using starts in 23, 24, 25, or 2Alpha!
    Select the appropriate template for your student/position from the Template drop down menu.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! In the Title/Name field, be sure to name the form "**Student Name - Position**" to ensure we can locate the form and properly notify you when the form has been completed!
    Click "Create Form."
    Click "Student Worker Form"
    Enter the student's first name (chosen is fine), last name, and C#.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! Please be sure to use the C and enter the 8 remaining digits of the student's C#!