Click 'Get Started' for Step-by-Step Directions to Complete Your Purchase of the HealthyLifetime Program | Scribe

    Click 'Get Started' for Step-by-Step Directions to Complete Your Purchase of the HealthyLifetime Program

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    • 29 seconds
    • HealthylifetimeHealthylifetime
    Below, click the 'Purchase Now' button.
    You will be redirected to the HealthyLifetime Program page on the University of Michigan Innovation Partnership website. You will find the details about the program. **To begin your purchase, click the “Apply Now” button.**
    Before clicking “Checkout Now”, make sure the quantity is set to one (1) for your individual program. This will ensure you’re only purchasing what you intended. If everything looks good, **click “Checkout Now” to continue the purchase process.**
    If you’re purchasing for the first time, you’ll need to create an account to verify your email. Fill in the required fields: first name, last name, email, password, and confirm password. Make sure to follow the password requirements. **Once you’ve entered all the information, click “Register” to complete the process.**
    You will receive an “Email verification” message as shown below. You will want to check your email inbox for a message from [](
    When you locate the email from [](, open it. You will see a message similar to what’s shown below. **Click “Verify email”**
    The link will direct you to confirm your email address. **You will want to click on “Click here to proceed”.** You will be automatically redirected to the billing details page.
    **IMPORTANT:** If you happened to have lost the page or link to the HealthyLifetime Program purchase page, here is the link to return: <> *Note: If you use this link, you will have to restart the order process as a **signed-in individual**. Follow the next steps.*
    Once your signed-in, you’ll be taken to the billing details page. Here, **complete the required fields**. Once you’ve filled in all the required fields, **click the “Continue” button to proceed.**
    **Read the End User License Agreement and Consent Form. Once you’ve reviewed them, check the box that says, “I acknowledge that I have read and agree to be found by the terms above and the website terms of use.” Then, click “Submit Request” to continue.**
    Make your payment by selecting 'PAY BY CARD ('. You will be asked to input your card information, then push submit.
    **Congratulations! You have officially purchased the HealthyLifetime Program! On your screen, you’ll see what to expect next. Additionally, you will receive an email from []( with your order status update, along with a copy of your receipt and the End User License Agreement and Consent Form.**
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