Completing a Correction of Goods Receipt Using SAP Transaction MIGO_GR | Scribe

    Completing a Correction of Goods Receipt Using SAP Transaction MIGO_GR

    • Gwen Hall-DiFabio |
    • 17 steps |
    • 2 minutes

      Completing a Goods Correction for All Items in the Goods Receipt

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      Click [here]( to watch a 2-minute and 42-second video on Completing a Goods Correction for All Items in the Goods Receipt.
      Enter **MIGO_GR** in the **Command Field** or use the SAP Tree to find the transaction.
      In the transaction, confirm **Goods Receipt** and **Purchase Order** display or change to these options using the dropdown menus. Enter the **Purchase Order Number**. You may choose to enter a specific **Item Number** (blank in the screenshot below) and pull only that line. In most instances, leave this blank to include all items in the goods receipt.
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      Please note: Remove **Plant** information if populated. This field should be blank.
      Enter or confirm that **102**, the movement type SAP associated with correcting a goods receipt, is in the **GR goods receipt** field. This "sticky" SAP field will save what you previously used.
      Select **Execute** to pull the goods receipt created for this purchase order.
      When the goods receipt returns, the display includes all items and the quantity of each included in the goods receipt. The **102 - Reversal of a Goods Receipt** action reduces the quantity of the goods receipt by the number of items in the **Quantity In Unit of Measure** (Qty in UnE) field. In this example, since the goods receipt was incorrect for the total amount of all lines, leave the quantity untouched and select the **Item OK** checkbox for each item.
      Once you've checked all the lines, select **Check** to confirm there are no errors.
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      If you select **Check**, SAP displays a message box if you have errors. **Document OK** displays in the screen's bottom left corner if you don't have errors. A **Status** column also displays with green indicators, as shown in the screenshot.
      Select **Post** to complete the goods receipt.
      If you want to confirm that you've corrected the quantity as intended, run the **Purchase Order History Transaction - ME23N** and view the **Purchase Order History** tab. Each line of the purchase displays both a goods receipt and a goods correction identified by the **Movement Type** (MvT) and a positive and negative **Quantity Entry.** This screenshot is of Line 1 of the purchase order.

      Correcting a Goods Receipt - Receipted All Items When Only Some Were Received

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      Click [here]( to watch a 1-minute and 21-second video on Correcting a Goods Receipt - Receipted All Items When Only Some Were Received.
      Enter the purchase order number and a **102 - Reversal of a Goods Receipt** action as outlined above. Since the goods receipt was for all lines, but you only received some lines, select the **Item OK** checkbox for each item received in error.
      Select **Check** to ensure there are no errors. Once the check is complete, select **Post** to complete the correction.
      If you would like to confirm that you've corrected the quantity as intended, run the **Purchase Order History Transaction - ME23N** and view the **Purchase Order History** tab. Each line of the purchase displays both a goods receipt and a goods correction identified by the **Movement Type** (MvT) and a positive and negative **Quantity Entry.** This screenshot is of Line 3 of the purchase order, showing the 13 items you corrected.

      Completing a Goods Receipt Correction - Reducing Receipt Due To A Miscount Of Item Quantity

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      Click [here]( to watch a 1-minute and 2-second video demonstrating Completing a Goods Receipt Correction - Reducing Receipt due to a Miscount of Item Quantity.
      Enter the purchase order number and a **102 - Reversal of a Goods Receipt** action as outlined above. For this example, you only received 5 items in Line 2 and 2 in Line 3. By mistake, you did the goods receipt for each line's entire purchase order value.