Delete text task then click "View" to read the details of the lead and anything specific the customer may have requested.
Click on the Blue phone number you would like to call.
Click this dropdown. to select your desk line.
Click "Call" and your desk phone will start ringing. Answer and dial 2 to begin dialing the customer
When you are finished dialing the customer Click "Complete."
Check the appropriate box to result the first call and text opt in. If you spoke with the customer you can put any notes from conversation in this box.
Schedule your next To Do for the next day or to a specific day at customers request.
Click "Complete Activity," this will take you back to the lead.
Check to make sure the phone number is the cell field. If this is not done the text opt in will not send.
add the number to the cell field
Click on the text icon.
If the customer did not request anything specific please send the first email.
Click "Send Email"
The Day 1 template will autofill and you can Click "Send." You will then come back to the original lead and move to the next task.
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