Completing a Goods Return to Return Items to a Vendor Using SAP Transaction MIGO_GR | Scribe

    Completing a Goods Return to Return Items to a Vendor Using SAP Transaction MIGO_GR

    • Gwen Hall-DiFabio |
    • 17 steps |
    • 2 minutes

      Basics of Completing a Goods Return

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      Click [here]( to watch a 2-minute and 48-second video demonstrating the basics of completing a goods return.
      Enter **MIGO_GR** in the **Command Field** or use the SAP Tree to find the transaction.
      In the transaction, confirm **Goods Receipt** and **Purchase Order** display or change to these options using the dropdown menus. Enter the **Purchase Order Number**.
      With the **Purchase Order Number** complete, you may choose to enter a specific **Item Number** and pull only that line of the purchase order for goods return. Including the **Item Number** may be helpful when returning items on one line of a large purchase order.
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      Please note: Remove **Plant** information if populated. This field should be blank.
      Enter **122**, the movement type SAP associated with returning items to the vendor is in the **GR goods receipt** field. This "sticky" SAP field will save what you previously used.
      Select **Execute** to pull the lines of the purchase order with quantity that may be returned.
      Select the line with the items you are returning by clicking on the yellow box, which includes the line number. Below, I am selecting line 1. Please note: if you have the **Detail Data** section open as your default, line 1 will display.
      When you select a line, the **Detail Data** section of the screen displays with the **Quantity** tab open. Enter the number of units of the item you are returning in the **Quantity in Unit of Entry** field. For this example, I will return 2. Update the unit of measure only if it differs from the displayed default.
      With the number of items you are returning entered, select the **Where** tab.
      Select the **Reason for Movement** search box to pull up the codes associated with vendor returns.
      In the **Reason for Movement** pop-up box, select the reason that best fits your situation. This field is required. Select the **Green Check** to **Apply** the reason for the return.
      While not required, it is best practice to enter the vendor's return authorization and tracking numbers. This information is helpful if there are problems with the return and proof of return is necessary.
      Select the **Items Ok** to confirm you want to post this goods return in SAP.
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      If you do not check Item OK for a line, SAP does not include that line in the goods return posting.
      Once you've entered the appropriate information supporting the return, select **Check** to confirm there are no errors.
      Select **Post** to complete the goods return.

      Completing a Goods Return - Entering the Purchase Order Line Item

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      Click [here]( to watch a 1-minute and 44-second video demonstrating how to complete a goods return entering the purchase order line item.