Completing an Animal Intake Exam in Shelterluv | Scribe

    Completing an Animal Intake Exam in Shelterluv

    • Vet Manager |
    • 44 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • ShelterluvShelterluv
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    An animal intake exam is to only be performed by trained staff and is in no way a diagnostic exam only to be performed by a licensed veterinarian.\ The purpose of this exam is to assess the physical status of the animal upon intake to our facility and to alert the med team of potential injuries or irregularities.
    Open the animal's profile, select the medical tab, and navigate to the "Complete Medical Form" drop down.
    For the purpose of this video, we will be walking through a dog intake exam. Feline exams are relatively the same. Click "Dog Intake Exam - Animal Care Team"
    When completing an intake on a cellphone or tablet, section will allow you to take a picture. The picture does not need to be perfect, but we do need to know what the animal looks like.
    Ensure the age is entered and relatively accurate.
    Ensure that the condition at intake is accurate.
    Due to a Shelterluv glitch, this pops up before confirming sex however it is still necessary. Select whether the animal has been altered. If unknown is selected, this is the time to check. If yes is selected, further proof will be needed. Either the spay/neuter records will need to be obtained, or the animal will be checked now for signs such as a spay scar, tattoo, eartip(cat), or simply the absence of testicles. Explanation on this section is done during physical training.
    Ensure the breed is accurate and change if necessary. Add a secondary breed if the animal is a mix of two you recognize. When the staff initially enters the animal, they may not have been told an accurate breed or they may just get it wrong. Not everyone may recognize breeds, just fix it.
    Select the Sex of the animal.
    Ensure that the color is accurate and select a pattern if needed. Enter any distinguishing marks.\ For example: White tip of tail, docked tail, scars on snout, etc.
    If there is no microchip entered, scan the animal. Microchips can and will migrate so you need to make sure to scan the ENTIRE animal. Neck to hind.
    Click "Show Complete Physical Exam" to begin the exam.
    Due to a Shelterluv glitch, this step is required for now, select Tech Exam. The date and time will auto-populate.
    Add a weight for the animal, ensuring you are entering pounds.\ \*This is required
    Select the accurate Body Condition Score.
    If the animal will allow, check temperature.\ Read the animal's comfortability level and if they're uncomfortable up to this point, don't risk anyone getting hurt.
    Enter the Heart Rate, Respiration Rate, Mucous Membrane Color and touch
    Select the Capillary Response Time and the Hydration level. You will learn about each of these steps during physical training.
    Select the animal's attitude.\ \*This portion is required to assist others in future handling.
    If there is any pain noted, enter that here and alert Britt.