Completing the Details Section | Scribe

    Completing the Details Section

    • Jenny Vance |
    • 8 steps |
    • 22 seconds
    Select the event you'd like to work from your event list after logging into Swell with your username and password.
    Click "Setup" in the left-hand menu.
    The "Details" tab is the first section you'll come to. You entered your nonprofit's name and the name of your event when you created it, but you can adjust those here if you would like.
    If you're happy with your nonprofit name and the name of your event, skip to the "Description for Fundraising Pages" section.
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    This is a description that will appear on the personal fundraising pages for those who are fundraising for you. This is typically filled in with a description of why someone should give or what their donation would be supporting. If you won't be using those for this campaign, you can skip this section.
    Enter the text you want to appear on your personal fundraisers' pages.
    Enter the day, time, and venue if appropriate.
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    Tip! These sections are open text fields so you don't have to enter the date and time in a particular format. In fact, you can use text instead of numbers as we have in this example.
    Click "Save Changes".
    Click "OK"
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    Now that you've finished entering your campaign's details, you can move on to the next setup section.