The options in the second row allow you to set how active tasks are viewed on the Operations Console. Use the toggles to enable or disable the options.
- **Change Job Status** - if disabled, Helpdesk Operators can't manually change the status of a task and all status updates must come through the devices
- **Include Parent Location** - if enabled, the zone name will display alongside the location name
- **Show Location Telephone** - if enabled, the telephone numbers for locations will appear beneath their names. If this information isn't in the system, it will be displayed as 'N/A'
- **Hide Management Data** - if enabled, KPIs will not show in the 'Resources' dashboard at the bottom of the Operations Console
- **Show Pending Back Dated Jobs** - if enabled, backdated jobs will appear on the Operations Console
- **Use Overdue Warning Thresholds** - if disabled, the Operations Console will use the default overdue warning thresholds, which are set to show an amber warning 10 minutes before the response time expires and a red warning 5 minutes before the response time expires. If you enable this option, the Operations Console will use the specific value entered in the "Overdue Warning on Dashboard (mins)" field on the Job Priorities page. For example, if the value is set to '15', the task will display an amber warning 15 minutes before the response time expires