Configure Hospital Group Definitions | Scribe

    Configure Hospital Group Definitions

    • Lucy Sonner |
    • 24 steps |
    • 54 seconds
      Navigate to Synbiotix
      Enter your username and password and click "Login"
      Select Helpdesk
      Click "Administration"
      Click "Hospital Group Definitions"
      Select the required hospital from the drop-down box

      General Configurations

      The page will open to General configuration options by default. Use the toggles to enable or disable the options, or use the drop-down box to select an option. - **Enable Resource Messaging** - if enabled, resource messaging can be used from the Operations Console - **KPI Ignore Resource Delay Time** - if enabled, KPI calculations will not include any delays recorded by resources using the "Start with Delay" functionality when starting tasks. This affects all reports, KPI metrics and completion times - **KPI Based On** - configures [[whether the Response Time is calculated from "Started" or “Accepted” action by rescoures using a device. This affects all reports and KPI metrics]]
      Click "Apply Changes" to save

      Dashboard Configurations

      Click "Dashboard" to configure dashboard options
      The options in the first row allow you to set the filters available on the Operations Console. Use the toggles to enable or disable the filters. - **Show Zone Filter** - if enabled, tasks on the Operations Console can be filtered by zone - **Show Location Filter** - if enabled, tasks on the Operations Console can be filtered by location - **Show Status Filter** - if enabled, tasks on the Operations Console can be filtered by status - **Show Priority Filter** - if enabled, tasks on the Operations Console can be filtered by priority - **Show Resource Filter** - if enabled, tasks on the Operations Console can be filtered by resource (device user) - **Show Schedule Type Filter** - if enabled, tasks on the Operations Console can be filtered by the schedule type (whether they are reactive or scheduled)
      The options in the second row allow you to set how active tasks are viewed on the Operations Console. Use the toggles to enable or disable the options. - **Change Job Status** - if disabled, Helpdesk Operators can't manually change the status of a task and all status updates must come through the devices - **Include Parent Location** - if enabled, the zone name will display alongside the location name - **Show Location Telephone** - if enabled, the telephone numbers for locations will appear beneath their names. If this information isn't in the system, it will be displayed as 'N/A' - **Hide Management Data** - if enabled, KPIs will not show in the 'Resources' dashboard at the bottom of the Operations Console - **Show Pending Back Dated Jobs** - if enabled, backdated jobs will appear on the Operations Console - **Use Overdue Warning Thresholds** - if disabled, the Operations Console will use the default overdue warning thresholds, which are set to show an amber warning 10 minutes before the response time expires and a red warning 5 minutes before the response time expires. If you enable this option, the Operations Console will use the specific value entered in the "Overdue Warning on Dashboard (mins)" field on the Job Priorities page. For example, if the value is set to '15', the task will display an amber warning 15 minutes before the response time expires
      The options in the third row allow you to configure resource options on the Operations Console. Use the toggles to enable or disable the options. - **Hide Resource Job Count** - if disabled, you will see the number of jobs the resource has completed today displayed next to their name - **Allow Manage Porters** - this configuration is obsolete and will shortly be removed from the system - **Show Porter Device Name** - if enabled, the device name will be shown next to the resource's name (if you are recording this information) - **Resource Section Minimised by Default** - if enabled, the Resources Section of the Operations Dashboard will be minimised by default, and you will need to click the "+" to open it - **Hide Resource Next Job** - if enabled, the next job assigned to the resource will be shown next to their name. This could be a job scheduled for the future, or the next job in the queue if the resource has multiple jobs assigned
      The final row allows you to set **Resource Messaging (Roles)**. Select the roles that require access to the messaging feature from the drop-down box.\ \ If resource messaging is disabled (see Step 7), this field is obsolete
      information ordinal icon
      In this example, users with the role "Helpdesk User" or "Portering Dispatcher" can use the integrated messaging feature to communicate with resources
      Click "Apply Changes" to save

      Job Configurations

      Click "Job" to configure job options
      The options in the first row allow you to set job configurations. Use the toggles to enable or disable the options. - **Enable Job Auto-Assign** - if enabled, jobs will be automatically assigned to resources by default. If turned off, you'll need to manually assign jobs - **Hide End Location** - if enabled, jobs will only have a start location; there wont be an end location - **Prevent Job Back Dating** - if enabled, jobs cannot be backdated - **Show Patient Additional Details** - if enabled, all patient-related jobs will display all patient information fields