Confirming an Order Manually | Scribe

    Confirming an Order Manually

    • Spice Admin |
    • 7 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • SpiceinsightSpiceinsight
    Login to [Spice Insight Application](
    Navigate to **Sales Orders** Tab to view all the Pending Orders.
    Open a Sales by Clicking on 3 Dots at the end and selecting "View/Edit" option.
    Open a Sales by Clicking on 3 Dots at the end and selecting "View/Edit" option.
    End User will be provided with 2 option to Confirm an Order. 1. Acknowledgement PO - Provide use with an Option to Submit a Purchase Order Acknowledgement (POA) as Buyer’s prescribed process. 2. Confirm PO Manually - Provides user with Option to Confirm Order without Generating a Purchase Order Acknowledgment. User can Initiate a Order Acknowledgment Process by Clicking on **Manage Order Status** Button at the Bottom of Screen.
    Our system is designed to provide user "**Confirm PO Manually**" option which will help the users to Confirm the Order Manually.\ After Clicking on "Confirm PO Manually" the user will be given 2 Choices. 1. Confirm by Vendor 2. Confirm by Buyer
    Our system is designed to provide user "**Confirm PO Manually**" option which will help the users to Confirm the Order Manually.\
After Clicking on "Confirm PO Manually" the user will be given 2 Choices.

1. Confirm by Vendor
2. Confirm by Buyer
    The Notes text box allows the user to enter a reason for the manual confirmation and any reference to an alternate communication with or from the Buyer.\ Once done clicking on **CONFIRM** Button will confirm the Order Manually.
    The Order gets confirmed and the status of the Life cycle will be changed to "Pending" to "Confirmed"