Connecting a JAM Player to a TV. | Scribe
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Connecting a JAM Player to a TV.

  • Damen Tomassi |
  • 0 step |
  • 20 seconds
  • JustamenuJustamenu
Connect the HDMI cord to the JAM Player and the Screen. Then connect the Power Supply.
You must first connect the HDMI cord to the JAM player and the screen. Only then, can you connect the Power Supply to the JAM Player. Failing to do so will cause 4 partial images to appear on the screen. Fixing this is easy, simply unplug the unit and plug it back in.
When the JAM Player boots, you will see this screen. If you do not see this screen, make sure the TV is set to the proper input.
Connecting a JAM Player to WiFi is easy! It is the exact same process you follow to setup an Alexa, Smart Lightbulb or other smart devices that don't have screens.
The JAM player will temporarily create its own Wi-Fi network. From a device, connect to this WiFi Network. It Is Called "JAM-SETUP-XXXX" with the 4 x's being a random number.
When you connect to the JAM-SETUP WiFi Network, the JAM Player will show which WiFi networks the JAM Player can currently see. Select the businesses WiFi Network from this list.
Enter the Business WiFi password on the next screen and choose the connect button.
The JAM Player will restart and automatically update.
The JAM Players Wifi Network will no longer appear after it has successfully connected to the internet.
Upon updates completing, the JAM Player will show a QR code on the TV Screen. Scan this QR code with your phone or tablet.
Your phone or tablet will load jam, and you will be asked which restaurant you wish to pair this JAM player to. Simply select the restaurant.
If you are prompted to sign in to Just a Menu, simply sign in and scan the QR code again.
You will then be prompted to select which playlist should display on the JAM Player you are setting up. Choose the link button on the appropriate playlist.
You have successfully Setup your JAM Player!


If the JAM Player loses its connection to the internet, due to being moved to a new location, or if the businesses WiFi no longer appears, the JAM Player will continue playing the last content that was scheduled to play on it. The JAM Player will also recreate the JAM-SETUP network, so you can connect it to a new network if needed.
If you are having trouble getting the WiFi selector to open on your device when connecting to your JAM Players WiFi, try "forgetting" the wifi network from your device and re-connecting. If it still does not work, ensure you are connected to the JAM-SETUP wifi network on your device and navigate to a web browser and type in "" and hit enter to manually open the WiFi Selector.
You must first connect the HDMI cord to the JAM player and the screen. Only then, can you connect the Power Supply to the JAM Player. Failing to do so will cause 4 partial images to appear on the screen. Fixing this is easy, simply unplug the unit and plug it back in.
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