Container Orchestration in Azure - AKS and Service Fabric | Scribe

    Container Orchestration in Azure - AKS and Service Fabric

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 17 steps |
    • 58 seconds
    • AzureAzure
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    Type **Kubernetes services** in the search bar and click on the **Kubernetes services** to view the Kubernetes services dashboard
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    **What is Kubernetes services?**\ \ Kubernetes Services are abstractions that define a logical set of pods and a policy for accessing them. They enable communication between different components of a Kubernetes application, such as between pods or between external clients and pods, by providing stable IP addresses and DNS names. Types of services include ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, and ExternalName.
    On the **Kubernetes services** dashboard, click on the **Create** dropdown button on the left side then click on **Create a Kubernetes cluster** option
    Click on the **Resource group** dropdown and select the resource group **computer-rg** option **Note:** If you do not have a Resource group, you can create one by clicking on the **Create new** link option
    Scroll to the **Kubernetes cluster name** section and give the Name as - "**my-kubernetes-cluster**"
    Click on the **Region** dropdown and select the option **(US)East US**
    Scroll to the **Kubernetes version** section and select option **1.28.9** or whichever is the latest version of the Kubernetes
    Scroll to the **Node security channel type** section and select the option **Node Image** from the dropdown
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    **What is Node in AKS?**\ \ In Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), a node is a virtual machine that runs the Kubernetes node component and is responsible for running containerized applications. Nodes in AKS form the underlying infrastructure where the Kubernetes workloads are deployed and managed. Each node is part of a node pool within the AKS cluster.
    Scroll to the **Authentication and Authorization** section and select the option **Local accounts with Kubernetes RBAC** from the dropdown and click on the **Review + create** button
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    **What is Kubernetes RBAC?**\ \ Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a security mechanism that regulates access to Kubernetes resources based on user roles. It allows administrators to define who can perform what actions on specific resources within the cluster, using roles and role bindings to enforce permissions.
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    Congratulations on creating a **Kubernetes cluster** in Azure!
    To create **Service Fabric cluster,** type **Service Fabric clusters** in the search bar and click on the **Service Fabric clusters**
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    **What are Service Fabric clusters?**\ \ Service Fabric clusters are collections of virtual or physical machines managed by Azure Service Fabric that facilitate the deployment, management, and scaling of microservices and containerized applications. They ensure high availability, fault tolerance, and efficient orchestration for complex, scalable, and reliable applications.
    On the **Service Fabric clusters** dashboard click on the **Add** button on the left side and select the option **Service Fabric cluster**
    On the **Create Service Fabric cluster** wizard, click on the **Resource group** dropdown and select the resource group **computer-rg** option **Note:** If you do not have a Resource group, you can create one by clicking on the **Create new** link option
    Scroll to the **Cluster name** section and give the name as - "**my-service-fabric**"
    Scroll to the **Operating system** section and select the option **WindowsServer 2022-Datacenter-Azure-Edition**
    Scroll to the **Username** and **Password** section, here you can give the username and password