Convert AI - Initial Process | Scribe

    Convert AI - Initial Process

    • AtlassianAtlassian
    • ClickUpClickUp
    • ZoomZoom
    • HubSpotHubSpot
    Navigate to the ClickUp Pipeline <>
    Open the card to process.
    Scroll down in the "Details" section and open the Hubspot profile.

    What to check in the Hubspot profile?

    Check the customer name, does it matches with the ClickUp Task?
    Check the Lyfecycle field and Customer ID to confirm that they are indeed the paying customer for this subscription.
    Check if the website has been published or not. (It should live if you click it, on it's final URL, not a temporary domain)
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    If the Hubspot profile is not the person who is paying for the subscription. Follow the steps below. You can confirm if a contact is the paying customer by checking which company is associated with this contact, then the other contacts associated with that same company.
    Replace the Hubspot Link record ID at the end of the URL
    Replace the Hubspot Record ID
    Make sure the rest of the information is accurate. No particular instructions here, simply go through all fields and make sure the one answered make sense or are properly formated. - Remove capital letters in URLs - If First Name, Last Name or Address, are ALL CAPS, please change to First letter capitalized. - Change URLs to have https:// - If the 1003 link is their website, that's ok!
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    If the client website has not been published. Do not go further with the process. Only move forward once their website is live.
    Change the Assignees to Grethel
    Change the status to "Campaign/Account Setup"
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