Copying content between Blackboard shells | Scribe
Copying content between Blackboard shells
Chris Bird |
8 steps |
25 seconds
**Tip! Before** copying anything, have a look at what is already pre-loaded to your content page. This will alleviate duplicate information and ensure this supplementary content is current as you progress through semesters.
Navigate to your Blackboard course shell that you want this information copied **into. (The Destination Shell)**
On the main Content page, click on the '...' menu on the right hand side, and then select "Copy Items"
Click "Copy Items"
Search for your previous course where the content will be copied from by using either the Course Name or ID **(The Source Shell)**
If you'd like to copy the entire course, simply select the checkbox next to the course and then proceed to copy. If you're looking for individual items from another course, then click the name of the course to expand the folders within.
Select all the items you'd like to copy by highlighting the corresponding check box
Before proceeding to the next step, review the items and number of items listed on the right hand pane to ensure you're only copying what you intend.
Click "Start Copy"
Thats it! Allow a few moments for the content to transfer, and you should now see all the selected content in your new course shell!