Cost Component: Adding "Cost" content type | Scribe

    Cost Component: Adding "Cost" content type

      • RutgersRutgers
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! The Cost content type has a required Campus Location taxonomy. Set your Campus Location taxonomy terms before creating Cost components. [See this guide for details](
      From the **main Content screen,** identify and click the "**Cost**" tab.
      All "Cost" items for the Cost Component are managed here. This screen gives an overview of the element name, Location, and yes/no status of NJ Resident and Campus Housing. The "**Location**" field is tied to the Campus Location taxonomy item. Ensure you have this taxonomy set before creating Cost items. [Refer to this guide for setting the taxonomy](
      Click "**Add Cost**"
      **Give your cost item a Title**. Recommend giving your cost a title that conveys the location name and status of NJ Resident and Campus housing. In this example, we use "Location 2 - In State - On Campus"
      Select the "NJ Resident" and "Campus Housing" status needed.
      **Click "Location" and select a value from the drop down menu.** What appears in this drop down is what is set as a "Campus Location" taxonomy.
      **Click "Location" and select a value from the drop down menu.** What appears in this drop down is what is set as a "Campus Location" taxonomy.
      Give the item a Cost. Omit commas and dollar signs in your entry.
      Enter disclaimer text if needed.
      **Populate the URL and Link Text fields as needed.** Don't forget to add an ARIA label to your link text if it needs additional context for accessibility. **Add ARIA** by clicking on the Attributes element and the populate the ARIA label.
      **Populate the URL and Link Text fields as needed.** Don't forget to add an ARIA label to your link text if it needs additional context for accessibility. 

**Add ARIA** by clicking on the Attributes element and the populate the ARIA label.
      Click "**Save**"
      This is an example of the expected screen after saving the page.