Create, Batch, and Post Invoice(s) | Scribe

Create, Batch, and Post Invoice(s)

  • Matt |
  • 33 steps |
  • 2 minutes
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    The process below covers Creating, Batching, and Posting one or more invoices from scratch. See the documentation for [Viewing, Editing, and Tracking Invoices]( for steps to create new invoices from existing ones. Invoicing Process Summary 1. Fill out Invoice 'Header' Info 1. Customer details 2. Dates 3. PO 2. Fill out Line Item(s) section 3. (Optional) Send Quote 4. Fill out 'FOAPAL' section 5. (Optional) Create Additional Invoices 6. 'Finalize' Invoice(s) 1. Batch 'Print' (email to recipients) 2. Batch 'Post'/Feed to Banner
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    Prerequisites/ You'll need: - Access to FAST and the AR Module - Added to a Billing Department - An 'Open Period' to post invoices to - Account/Programs code(s) - Batch Print/Post Permissions (for 'Approver' roles only)
    [Log in]( to FAST (see [Access FAST AR Module]( for more detailed Instructions)
    Open the 'Accounts Receivable' module
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    Before creating a new invoice for a customer, that customer MUST already be in the system, they can't be created during the Invoicing Process. (See [Create & Manage Customers in FAST AR]( for instructions)
    Click 'New' in the 'Invoice' dropdown menu

    Invoice Header Information

    'Customer' field refers to the Customer ID #. If you know the ID#, entering it here and clicking into any other field will bring up that Customer's Default Info.
    Otherwise click the Search icon
    Enter the Name of the Customer and click Search
    Select desire Customer
    If you don't know how the Customer Name appears in the system or if searching comes up empty, you ***can*** search without entering anything. This will bring up a list of all customers to choose from. But the list will only get longer as time goes on so be prepared to scroll.
    Select desired Customer
    The default for Invoice Date is Today's Date but you can select a different date if needed.
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    The Invoice Date you specify **MUST** fall in an 'Open Period' or it will trigger an error message. For the time being, these are created and set by the Financial Reporting Dept. If no open period exists or you need to discuss a different period, please reach out to someone on the [Financial Reporting Team](
    Select a Due Date. This isn't *mandatory* for now but probably still helpful. 30 days is a good 'standard timeframe'
    If you need to specify a PO #, do that HERE.
    Select the Billing Dept. This dropdown only shows the departments you are allowed to bill for. - Most users only create invoices for one dept and will only see one option in the dropdown. - If you are set up to bill for multiple departments, you'll need to specify which department this Invoice is for. - If you don't see the department you need, please contact [Financial Reporting](
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    Navigation/Tool Tip! In dropdown lists, you can either make a selection and click the green 'Check' icon **OR** double-click the option you want to select.
    Click Save