**Important Details on Expense Reports:**
- Expense Reports have a 1:1 relationship with a Project
- If you need to record expenses against multiple projects, you will need to create an expense report **per** project
- All expense report lines for billable projects should be marked **[[Billable]]**
- This allows the PM/Approver to manage billing the transaction
**Submission / Pay:**
- Expense Reports are to be submitted within 15 days of a completed trip or incurred expnese. Best practice is to submit weekly.
- Expense Reports that are approved on Monday/Tuesday will be reimbursed by Friday the same week.
Create Expense Report
- Verify your Payment Election is setup for Expense Payments **before** submitting your first expense report.
- The Payment Election task can be found via the Workday Homepage: [[Menu]] > [[Apps]] > [[Pay]]
- To create an expense report via the Expenses Hub,
- Click [[Menu]] on the top left corner
- Under Apps, click [[Expenses Hub]]
- Click [[Create Expense Report]]
You can also type [[Create Expense Report]] in the Workday Search Bar to get to the next screen
Expense Report Header
Creation Options:
- [[Create New Expense Report]] will be automatically selected
- [[Copy Previous Expense Report]] will be available after you've created your first expense report
- Enter [[Memo]] (REQUIRED)
- This will be the name/title of your expense report
The [[Company]] field will default to what is listed on your WD Employee Profile
- For Billable Projects, change the [[Company]] to match the company linked to the Project Record
- The [[Company]] field **cannot be edited** after clicking [[OK]]
- To correct, you will need to cancel the Expense Report and start over
- The [[Expense Report Date]] will default to the current date
- The [[Company on Expense Line]] field must match the [[Company]] field
- For [[Business Purpose]], select [[Billable Project]]
- Select [[Project Task]] (the Project Task can be edited per expense line)
- The [[Cost Center]] and [[Additional Worktags]] (Customer) will autofill
**Tax Information:**
- In Canada, taxes apply to all Expense Items with the exception of Per Diem
- The [[Enable Tax]] field **must** be selected on the Expense Header, and can be modified individually per Expense Line