Create Motion Brush Video with Runway | Scribe

    Create Motion Brush Video with Runway

    • Scott Colenutt |
    • 10 steps |
    • 60 seconds

    Log in to [Runway]( and **click the 'Text/Image to Video'** option.


    Click "**Upload a file**".


    **Click the 'Motion Brush' option** from the left-hand menu.


    The Motion Brush window will now appear and is set to auto-detect area which area you'll likely want to apply motion to. \ \ Click the areas you want motion to be applied to. If you're using a photo of a pet or a selfie, select the whole face of a pet or of yourself.


    Once you've highlighted the areas you want to apply motion to, you can use the settings on screen to apply the direction and style of motion.\ \ In this example, keep it simple by just moving your image in one direction so that you can get a feel for how it works.


    You can change the motion settings by using the sliders or clicking the arrows.


    When you've finished configuring the motion, **click 'Generate 4s'**.


    Your video generation will start (it might take a few minutes).\ \ Once your video has generated, hit the play button to see how you've turned an image into a video!


    Click the download button above your video to download your video to your device.


    ...and CUT. 🎬\ \ That's it for this lesson.\ \ You've created a video from an image using Runway's Motion Brush 🎨\ \ Remember to share your video with #100DaysofAI community, we want to see what you've created!