Create Simplified Loading Units and print shipping labels for Single or Multiple Part Numbers | Scribe

    Create Simplified Loading Units and print shipping labels for Single or Multiple Part Numbers

    • Scania EDI |
    • 34 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • ScaniaScania
    • SeeburgerSeeburger

    How to create a Simplified Loading Unit

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    Simplified Loading Units refers to loading units (pallets with collars or pallets with racks/trays) with no boxes.
    From the main screen you go into the "Supplier Portal" view
    Click "Demand"
    To enter the forecast you need to click "Orders"
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    Please note that it is only possible to bundle part numbers with the same Scania Plant (Consignee Code) and Unloading Point (Dock).
    If you want to create an ASN for several part numbers you can select several part numbers from the "open" tab. Select the first part number.
    Select the second part number
    Click "Create Document"
    Select the forecasts in the next window, this is in order to the system to understand that you are bundling two different Part Numbers on the same Delivery Note. \ \ If you are creating an ASN for one Part Number, you will only be able to select one delivery forecast.
    Click "Delivery Note", to create the delivery note.
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    You will now be sent to the Delivey Note Details overview
    Now both of the Part Numbers will be visible in the "Positions Table". Start with filling out the required data in this table:\ \ **Country of Origin\ Quantity**\ \ If you want to change the quantity in the shipment you can change it in the QTY Column. The system automatically picks the first available quantity from the forecast and adds it to the delivery note, but it can be adjusted if there is another quantity that you want to ship.
    Continue with the data connected to the delivery note details\ \ **Delivery Note Number** - This is automatically filled but can be changed to a value that you create in your internal ERP-systems.\ \ **Pick Up date -** Date when goods are picked up.
    **Enter the shipment Gross weight** - The entire weight of all goods in the ASN.
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    The following steps are automatically filled from the scroll down list, if master data has been set up previously. How to set up master data can be found in the step by step guide below: ["**Creating New Supplier and Address Master Data in SEEBURGER Cloud Portal"**](
    Select your Seller details from the Scroll Down list.\ Then Select the Manufacturer from the scroll down list\ Third Select the Ship From **(If it is a separate entity from the manufacturer)**
    The final Address Master data that is needed is the "Ship To" which refers to the Scania Consignee Code. \ \ If master data has been imported from the Scania "Partner Address" register, this will be filled automatically when selecting the correct consignee code from the scroll down. \ \ Guide on how to import Scania Partner Addresses can be found here: [Import Scania Address Master Data]( Please use the "Scania Ship To Code (Consignee Code)" as the reference to which Ship To address that is to be picked from the drop down **(Pick the address that has the relevant consignee code mentioned in the search name**).
    When all mandatory fields have been filled, you click "save"
    And then "Next"