Create T&E Contract | Scribe

    Create T&E Contract

    • Andrea Jaroslawski |
    • 29 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • WorkdayWorkday

    Contract Approval Process

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    The contract approval process is designed to ensure that higher-value contracts undergo more rigorous scrutiny. - Contracts under $25,000 do not require approval. - As the contract value increases, one or more approvals will be required.
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    - All **Intercompany (IC) Contracts** require approval. - IC contracts up to $25,000 will be routed to the **Customer Contract Manager** for each involved Cost Center. - IC contracts exceeding $25,000 will follow the standard contract approval process outlined above. - **Revenue Schedules** do not require approval at the time of creation. - If created or modified post-creation and the contract value exceeds $25,000, revenue schedules will adhere to the aforementioned contract approval process.

    Create Customer Contract

    - Navigate to the Project Record and click [[...]] next ot the Project Name
    - Under Actions, hover over **Customer Contract**, select [[Create Related Customer Contract]] - When created via the Project record, the Customer fields will autofill
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    - You can also create a contract via the Workday task: **[[Create Customer Contract]]** by using the Workday Search Bar - When created via Workday task, the Customer fields will need to be manually entered
    - The **Company** and **Customer** will default to the settings on the Project Record - For **Contract Type**, select [[Project Time and Expense]]
    - Click [[OK]]

    Contract Header

    - The fields under the **Contract Information** section will default to the settings on the Project Record.
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    The **Ship-To Address** is the location where goods and services are delivered. - This field on the contract header section will carry over to the billing schedule and customer invoices. - Cannot be edited on billing records. It can only be edited via a contract amendment.
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    - The **Contract Effective Date** should match the **Project Start Date** - Only transactions from that date forward will be recorded against the Project
    - Under **Contract Detail**, enter [[Contract Name]] and [[Contract Description]] - Both fields are optional - Leave the following fields blank: - Related Customer Contract - Parent Customer Contract
    - Under **Contract Amounts and Balances**, enter [[Contract Amount]] (required)
    - No action needed on the **FV Revenue Allocation** section - Under **Additional Information**, enter [[PO Number]] (if applicable) - [[Default Tax Code]] field: - For Canadian Customers, this field will autofill from the Customer Record - For USA Customers, leave this field blank
    - Enter [[Cost Center]] (this selection **must** match the Project Record)

    Projects Tab > Line Details Subtab

    - Click [[(+)]] to add **four** contract lines, one for each transaction source
    - Under **Billable Project** column, add the [[Project]] to each contract line