Create Video Shorts with Opus Clip | Scribe

    Create Video Shorts with Opus Clip

    • Scott Colenutt |
    • 6 steps |
    • 14 seconds
    • OpusOpus
    Navigate to [Opus Clip](, click "**Sign up - It's Free**" and follow the onboarding instructions.
    Enter the URL of the video you'd like to clip in the URL field. For the AI to effectively surface interesting clips, it helps to use videos over 15 minutes long.\ \ Click "**Get clips in 1 click**"\ \ With OpusClip's free plan you get 60 minutes of free video processing per month. You can see the credits you'll use for your video processing just above the video.
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    If you want greater control over the *types* of clips that are generated, select the "**ClipAnything**" option and adjust these settings that are shown below your video.
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    Pay attention to the copyright notice. While 'clipping' videos has become common practice, you may still violate copyright laws. If in doubt, stick to publishing shorts from your own original content.\ \ However, for the purpose of learning and testing, it's fine to continue with third-party content for this lesson.
    Your video will now start to process and will appear on your dashboard under the "All projects" section. There will be an overlay displaying the ETA for your clips that are processing.
    When your video is processed and your shorts are ready, the timer in the middle of the video preview will disappear (you'll also receive an email to say that your video has been processed).\ \ Click the video.
    You'll now see a page of video shorts that have been clipped from the video you entered. \ \ Click the play button on each video to play the video short before deciding whether you want to edit or download the video.\ \ On the free plan, you have the ability to download and share clips from this page using the default OpusClip styling. \ \ When you upgrade to the Pro version of OpusClip you have the ability to edit videos and customize video styling.
    That's it! Ridiculously simple.\ \ Share your favourite video shorts as part of today's lesson check-in.