Create a Custom Audience for Salesforce Accounts and LinkedIn | Scribe

    Create a Custom Audience for Salesforce Accounts and LinkedIn

    • Abdallah Al-Hakim |
    • 15 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • MetadataMetadata
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    First step for new campaigns is to create new audience list. Let's start start with a single audience group
    Click "Add New Audience"
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    We have lots of sources to create accounts and it depends on the campaign type. In our case, most of our campaigns start with dynamic audience list from salesforce
    Click "Salesforce Accounts"
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    We can use an existing synced list from Salesforce or create a new Salesforce account using filters. In the example below, we are using an existing synced list from salesforce
    Example below, we are selecting a salesforce dynamic account list using salesforce account filters
    Click "View Criteria"
    Criteria in this case is called "icp status = yes"
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    You can run experiments with single audience such as the one above (which I recommend for brand new campaigns) or you can group your audiences as we will see below
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    Grouped audiences are very effective at narrowing down your target list and focusing your budget on fewer variables. However, it does mean that you can report on the audience performance as a group rather than an individual audience. This is why I recommend starting with a single audience if doing a brand new experiment.
    Click "Add Target Group"
    You can click to select the type of channel targetted
    Now you can setup your filters to group your audience
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    Lets look at an example below
    Click on existing target group "LI Stage 2&3 Senior+"
    You can see here how the account list was grouped with job titles and also excluded another salesforce account list 'SFDC - Customer'
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    Now the important part! You can use the audiences when setting up campaigns
    Click "Campaigns"
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    Let's look at one campaign example below
    Click campaign name "MD | Demo - $100GC Turn Leads into Rev RT"