Create a Data Pipeline to Connect Salesforce to Snowflake | Scribe
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Create a Data Pipeline to Connect Salesforce to Snowflake
Ryan Goodman |
0 step |
5 minutes
Navigate to Azure Data Factory
Click "..." button next to Pipelines.
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Click "New pipeline"
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Click the Name field.
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Go to the Activities section and expand "Move & transform"
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Click "Copy data" and drag onto the canvas.
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Click on the "Name" field.
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Type "MLead"
Name the Copy object with the Salesforce object you are copying from Salesforce to Snowflake.
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Click "Source" tab.
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Click the "Source dataset" dropdown.
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Select and Click "Lead".
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By default ADF will select the entire leads table. Lets explore the "Query" option. Click on "Query"
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As you can see with this SOQL query, we can select only columns we want or limit rows for testing and validation. For this lab, we will re-select "Table"
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Click Table.
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Click "Sink"
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Click this Sink dataset dropdown.
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Type "lead"
Click on the Snowflake Leads table. In this scenario we named it "SNOW_Lead"
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