Create a Job Posting on Handshake | Scribe

Create a Job Posting on Handshake

  • Student Employment |
  • 0 step |
  • 4 minutes
  • JoinhandshakeJoinhandshake
  • ClarkuClarku

Logging In

Alert! Clark faculty and staff generally do not have Single Sign On abilities and must use a different link! Do not use []( or the link on CUWeb.
Navigate to <>
Enter your Clark email in the "Employees & Career Centers (USA)" section.
Click "Or log in using your Handshake credentials." Clicking the blue "Clark University" button will get you caught in a Single Sign On loop.
Enter your Handshake password. If you have forgotten your password, please click "Forgot your password?" to create a new one.
Click "Sign In"
Click "Jobs" or "Create Jobs" from the Home screen.
Click "Create job"

Basic Information

Enter the job description. You can type it or copy and paste from another document. Be sure to include specific skills you’re looking for, minimum requirements, approximate number of hours per week, and expected responsibilities.
Tip! If you are limited to hiring only undergraduate or graduate students, you are strongly encouraged to specify that prominently in the position description. This will not prevent students from applying, but provides clarity to students about whether they are eligible.
Click "Continue"
Tip! If you keep the blue "Automatically fill in the rest of this job post using job description" box checked, Handshake's AI will generate answers for the remainder of the post. Please double check all fields!

Position Details

Enter the job title for this position followed by the number of positions available. Please include the number of positions you are hiring in parentheses following the position title.
All on-campus positions should be marked as "On Campus Student Employment." Leave "Work-Study program" unchecked -- we will make that determination on the back end.
Click "Continue"

Location Requirements

If the position requires students to be onsite, click "Onsite."
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