Create a New Family Account on Otus | Scribe

    Create a New Family Account on Otus

    • Patrick Dawson |
    • 7 steps |
    • 27 seconds
    • OtusOtus
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    NOTE: This process only creates your parent account so no students or data will be viewable initially. \ \ Parents were emailed a code for each of their students on October 9, 2024 to link their student(s) to their parent portal account. Look for an email from [email protected]. If you did not receive this, please send an email [email protected]. Families may choose to share one family account or create one per parent.
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Create a New Account"
    Click "Family"
    Click "Continue"
    Enter your information
    Click "Continue"
    Enter your personal email address, create a password and then click "Finish!"
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    ## Watch the tutorial videos below to better understand your student's data! - [AAPPL Assessment]( - [aimsweb+ Literacy (Benchmark)]( - [aimsweb+ Math (Benchmark)]( - [aimsweb+ Progress Monitoring]( - [Attendance]( - [DIBELS mClass (Benchmark)]( - [DIBELS mClass Progress Monitoring]( - [Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)]( - [Illinois Science Assessment (ISA)]( - [NWEA Map (Standard)]( - [NWEA Map - Custom]( - [SSIS SEL Screener]( - [WIDA ACCESS](