Create a New SOP | Scribe

    Create a New SOP

    • Katie Frassinelli |
    • 17 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • SmartsopSmartsop
    Click "SOPs" to go to the list of Standard Operating Procedures
    Click "Add Standard Operating Procedure"
    Click this text field and enter a name for your SOP
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    Complete this screen with detail about the process or equipment. Only the name is required, but include as much detail as you need.
    Add up to three images, three videos, and a PDF document to the procedure. The first image will be the thumbnail on the SOP list page.
    Click here. You don't need to save as you go, but it is a great idea especially if you are uploading images, video and documents.
    Click the "Job Hazard Analysis" tab.
    Select hazards from the list by using the dropdown menu or start typing and hit "Return" or "Enter" on your keyboard when you find the hazard you want.
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    Complete the job hazard analysis using the pre-populated lists and text boxes to provide as much detail as possible about the safety aspects of the procedure.
    Click the "Steps" tab.
    Give your first step a title.
    Enter step instructions. Use the formatting options to make text bold or italicized, or to make numbered or bulleted lists.
    Click "More details"
    In the "More Details" section you can add additional detail about the step plus up to three images and one video.
    Click "Save." It is a good idea to save your work periodically, especially if you are uploading photos and videos.
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    Click "+ Add Step" to add another step. Repeat until you have added all of your steps. Use the arrows to rearrange steps as needed.
    Click "Tags and Collaboration"
    Choose from your companies tags to make organizing and retrieving SOPs easy. If you are an SOP Manager you can create new tags by clicking the " + Add " button.
    Select others in your company to be collaborators on this procedure. Collaborators can see your draft SOPs, make changes, and send in-app messages.
    Click "Save"