Create a single permit | Scribe

    Create a single permit

    • Hayden Haubrich |
    • 12 steps |
    • 56 seconds
    • OffstreetOffstreet
    Navigate to <>
    Click "Permits"
    Click "Permits"
    You will see a list of all available locations. Scroll through the list or use the search bar to find the location you want to create a permit in
    Once you locate the desired location, click on it to open the permit list for that location
    On the right side - click "Create permit"
    A window will open with all the steps to create a permit. Start by setting the desired start time. It will automatically default to the current time. You can also click the calendar icon to select a date and time. If you want an expiry time you can add it by selecting "Expiry" and choosing a date and time. If you want the permit to only be valid for certain days of the week, select "Schedule" and choosing the active days
    Once the date and time is selected, enter in the license plate number
    Depending on the permit setting, you may be able to add additional plates to this permit (ex. parker has more than one vehicle). To add an additional plate, click "Add Vehicle" and enter the additional license plate
    If you want the permit assigned to a certain tenant, you can select it by clicking on the tenant dropdown
    If there are any additional information fields, you can enter that information. Any marked with an (\*) are required fields. The additional fields are unique to the permit type, and may not appear as shown below
    When you are ready to finish the permit, click "Create"
    information ordinal icon
    Your permit has been created and will show up on the permit list