Create a staging and a production environment | Scribe

    Create a staging and a production environment

    • George Kassavetis |
    • 0 step |
    • 50 seconds
    Select your brain.
    Click "Create version"
    Write a description of the version and click "Create"
    Go to the settings of your account
    Select the existing environment
    Rename your environment to what suits you, like "Production environment".
    Create a new environment.
    Give it a name and click "Create"
    Navigate to your account's rules.
    Note: We are on the Staging environment. This means that we want the changes we make in the brain to be visible to us immediately.
    Create your first rule.
    Name your rule and click "Create"
    Click "Add action"
    Click "Assign brain"
    Select your current brain.
    Select the Draft version of the brain and click "Done"
    Activate your rule.
    Click "Save and close"
    Do the same for the "Production environment" by selecting it.
    When on the Production environment, we don't want the users to be able to see the changes we make in development, therefore we assign the last saved version of the brain.

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