Create an Email Address from Split Name in Power Automate | Scribe

Create an Email Address from Split Name in Power Automate

  • A Creative Opinion |
  • 35 steps |
  • 2 minutes
  • Power AutomatePower Automate
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**TIP**: \ Start with a **manual trigger** when building for MS Forms. This saves time by letting you test without leaving Power Automate to submit a form. When your flow is ready to go, replace the manual trigger with the automated trigger. Keep the manual flow as a troubleshooting tool for quick adjustments later.

Split the Name

Add a **Compose** action.
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**TIP:**\ Rename your actions to keep your flow organized!
Insert an expression.
Use the **split()** function. The split() function takes two parameters:\ [[split(\[string of text\], \[separator\])]]
For the first parameter, insert the dynamic content from your MS Form that contains the string you want to split. In this case, it'll be the Selected Name from a dropdown.
Add a comma and insert single quotes. In between the single quotes, insert your separator. In this case, it's a space.
Run a test.
The split() function will split the name at the space.

Get the First Name

Add another **Compose** action. *Note: Although you can combine this into a single expression, for demonstration purposes I've separated them out into two steps.*
Insert an expression. Use the first() function. We'll use this function to return the first item in the array—the first name.
Click on the dynamic content tab and insert the output from the **Compose** action above.
Press **OK**.
Run a test.
Review the outputs. You should see the first name.

Get the First Initial from the First Name

Click on the expression label to edit it.
Insert the substring() function at the start of the expression. Enter **substring** with an opening parenthesis. The substring() function takes three parameters:\ [[substring(\[string\], \[startIndex\], \[length\])]]