Create an Inspection Form | Scribe

Create an Inspection Form

  • K Field |
  • 0 step |
  • 5 minutes
  • IntellishiftIntellishift

Create a New Form

Navigate to the "Inspect" service module.
In the top navigation, click "Form Builder"
On this page, you can view all of your forms. In the top right-hand corner, click on the "Add Form" icon
Choose to clone a template, or . . .
. . . create a new template by typing in the name of the new form. (Note: You can edit this name later.)
Select "Create" to start creating your new form.

Add Form Components

To add a new component, click the "Add Component" icon. Components house your inspection questions. Group similar questions (e.g., "Fluid Check") in a single component.
Add a title to the component. (For example, "Safety Equipment" or "Steering and Suspension")
Under "Check Points" add the question and/or specific area name that should be inspected. For example, within a component titled "Engine," a check point might be "Battery."
Use the "Type" selector to identify how the operator should respond. For example, the checkbox feature will allow the operator to choose pass or fail. A photo type will allow the operator to take a photo.
Choose if the check point should be required. If required, the operator cannot submit the inspection form without answering the required check point.
The "Checkbox" type offers additional choices per check point. Choose if the alert recipient (such as a mechanic) should be emailed upon a failure.
Additionally, the checkbox option allows you to create question dependencies. A dependency is an additional question that will be presented to the operator if the checkbox passes or fails.
Once you add a dependency, add the question and/or specific area name that should be inspected. Then, select the question "Type" (alphanumeric, photo, etc.).
Add additional dependencies to your check point as needed.
Add additional check points by selecting the add icon to the right of "Check Points."
Once you have added all check points and dependencies, choose an icon for the component.
Click "Add" to add the component to the form.
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