Create and Submit an Innovation Challenge | Scribe

    Create and Submit an Innovation Challenge

      • OcipOcip
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      Prior to creating your first Innovation Challenge, please ensure your business or organization has defined one or more NAICS code(s) in your organization's profile. \ \ For more information on NAICS and how it is used by OCIP, see [OCIP Taxonomies.](\ \ For more information on how to add a NAICS to your organization's profile, see [How to Manage Organization Profiles.](

      Creating a New Innovation Challenge

      Navigate to "Projects" and click "Innovation Challenges."
      Click "Create Innovation Challenge."
      Click the dropdown to reveal the locations affiliated with your organization's profile.
      Select the Organization Location relevant to this specific Innovation Challenge.
      Name your Innovation Challenge.
      Select the most applicable NAICS code for the Innovation Challenge. NAICS codes affiliated with your organization's profile will be displayed by selecting the dropdown.
      Select the most applicable NAICS code for the Innovation Challenge.
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      Skip Steps 8-9 if the NAICS code matching this Innovation Challenge is already affiliated with your organization's profile.
      If none of the NAICS codes currently affiliated with your organization's profile match the needs of this specific Innovation Challenge, select "Not Listed" from the dropdown menu. To be directed to more detailed information on NAICS directly in OCIP, click the globe or new window icons outlined below.
      To assign the most relevant NAICS code for this Innovation Challenge, use the dropdowns to specify the appropriate industrial sectors.
      Click "Create New Innovation Challenge."

      Innovation Challenge Submission Navigation

      Click "TO DO" to view the mandatory sections of the Innovation Challenge to be completed.
      Select the section of the Innovation Challenge Submission process you wish to complete.

      Innovation Challenge Overview and Details

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      Tip! At any time during the Innovation Challenge workflow, use the "Save and Exit" button to save all progress and return to the General Information page for the Innovation Challenge. This enables users to complete the Innovation Challenge sections over a period of time rather than in a single session. If you would like to complete more than one section in a single session. simply click the "Next" button to proceed. Note: All required fields of the current section must be completed to successfully enable the "Save and Exit" or "Next" features.
      Complete the "Briefly summarize your Innovation Challenge. What is the problem you are trying to solve? *" field.
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      If the Innovation Challenge requires the development of technology, complete steps 14-16. Otherwise, select "No" or "Unsure" and proceed to step 17.