Create and Use a Custom Export Format | Scribe

    Create and Use a Custom Export Format

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      A custom export format is useful if you will be exporting a similar type of data on a regular basis, like contribution data or mail merge formats. \ \ This guide covers generally how to create a custom export format, rather than focusing on exporting a specific type of information.

      Add Custom Export Format

      Click the search bar located in the upper left-hand side. Type "export formats" and select it from the options below.
      The default export type is "Contact". It means that the data is related to a contact record. \ \ This is the most common export type.
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      While there are 4 export types, majority of exports are based on contact records. Direct Mail, Telemarketing, and Digital Ads are only available if exporting a direct mail sheet or telemarketing or digital ads reports.
      Under "Financial Household Export Options", the default EXPORT EACH CONTACT IN MY LIST is often what is needed.\ \ The other option would be used if sending mail to financial households and only wanting one person from each financial household to receive the piece of mail.
      Click the drop down under FIELDS TO EXPORT to add additional fields to your export format. There is a long list of custom fields to add.
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      Which fields to add depends on the purpose of the export format.\ \ Scenario: Your development team reviews contributions on a quarterly basis, checking to ensure donor profiles have email addresses, phone numbers, mailing address, and a specific activist code. Since you're unable to view activist codes in a Contribution Report, your development team exports this data each quarter for review. Fields needed would be: - **VANID** - **Name (First Last or Official Name)**: Official Name is for an Organization contact record, while First Last is for an Individual contact record. - **Mailing Address (Concatenated)**: An apartment or suite number would be in the same cell as address line 1. If you'd prefer it be in its own cell, select "Parsed". - **Preferred Address (Concatenated)**: This is in case Mailing Address is empty. - **Financial Household Address (Concatenated)**: In case your donor is part of a financial household and their address is stored there. - **Preferred Email**: This is the email marked "preferred" on a contact's profile. If your organization does not use Preferred Email, select Work or Personal Email instead. - **Preferred Phone** - **Activist code** - **All-time Financial Household Contribution Summaries > Financial Household Total Amount of Contributions YTD**: To check if sum of contributions year-to-date make sense or if there are any outliers (e.g. a donor has $0)
      Click next to "Export Format Name" to add a name for the custom export.\ \ The name should convey the purpose of the format so others know when to use it. \ \ The description should state the purpose of the format and provide an overview of the fields included in the export format.
      Click SAVE.
      You can now see your export format saved on the Export Formats page. You can edit at any time by clicking on its name.

      Export from My List

      After generating a list of contacts to export, click EXPORT.
      Click the drop down box next to "Export Format," and select the name of your recently saved export format.
      Its description will appear below its name.
      Select Customize Export to add or remove fields. \ \ Otherwise, click EXPORT AS.
      The options provided under EXPORT AS will be Excel, Text, or Google Sheet. \ \ Most common selection is Excel (if your organization has access to Excel) or Google Sheet. If you select Google Sheet, a pop-box will appear asking you to sign in to your Google Account.
      This pop-up box will appear, providing a standard reminder meant to prohibit misuse of data. \ \ Click OK.
      You will be taken to the Export Wizard page.\ \ To view your export, you can click on MY EXPORTS or click DONE.