Create domain or data templet - Semantics4BIM | Scribe

Create domain or data templet - Semantics4BIM

  • buildingSMART France |
  • 0 step |
  • 2 minutes
    The creation process of a Domain or a Data Template is the same in Semantics4BIM.
    Enter "Edit Mode" and choose your Workspace.

    Basic information

    Click "Domains" in the Content section.
    Click the language flag to active multi-language editing.
    Type the name of Domain.
    Edit the name in other languages if needed.
    Type the definition of Domain.
    Edit the definition in other languages if needed.
    [Issue found] After the basic information is filled in (like name and description). Make sure to click 'Save' button before starts add any properties or reference documents in the current domain.

    Add reference documents

    Click "Reference Documents"
    Click "ADD DOCUMENT" if need to add a reference document to the domain.
    Click "+" the add button to add a reference document to the current domain.

    Add properties

    Click "Properties"
    Click "ADD PROPERTY"
    Click "+" the add button to add a property to the current domain.
    Click "Save" to finish the action.
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