Create value lists - Semantics4BIM | Scribe
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Create value lists - Semantics4BIM

  • buildingSMART France |
  • 0 step |
  • 4 minutes
    Enter "Edit Mode" and choose your Workspace.
    ValueList could be used for possible values or in boundary values according to ISO 12006-3.

    Create value list for boundary values

    Click "Value lists" in the Content section.
    Click the language flag to active multi-language editing.
    Type the name of ValueList.
    Edit the name in other languages if needed.
    Click "Specific data"
    Choose Unit if the value list has associated with a Unit.
    Click "Save" to finish the action.

    Create value list for possible values

    Type the name of ValueList.
    Click "+" the add button to add possible values to the value list.
    Click "Save" to finish the action.
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