You can select whether you would like the lab to create a column in the gradebook:
a. This column is a manual entry and will accept a score entered into it from the Gateway or Carolina Science Online teacher portal. This score can be used as the lab notebook score if you would like to grade within the Gateway Instructor portal, or as the pre-lab score if you would like to grade the PDF of the lab notebook within Canvas. The pre-lab score will be 100% for all students who complete it. In either case, the grade will need to be entered by the instructor. No grade will be auto-generated. If this case, you must select a number of points.
b. Please note, if you want to grade the PDF of the lab notebook in Canvas instead, you will need to set up a separate assignment that can accept file submissions.
c. If you do not wish for this assignment to create a column in the gradebook (only assigning a grade for the PDF lab notebook), check the box to not include in the gradebook.