Creating MySQL Server in Azure | Scribe

    Creating MySQL Server in Azure

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 16 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • AzureAzure
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    Type **Azure Database for MySQL server** in the search bar and click on the **Azure Database for MySQL server**
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    **What is Azure Database for MySQL server ?**\ \ Azure Database for MySQL server is a fully managed database service that offers scalable, secure, and high-performance MySQL database management with built-in features like automated backups, patching, and monitoring.
    **Azure Database for MySQL server** wizard will open, click on the **Create** button on the left side
    **Select Azure Database for MySQL deployment** wizard will open, Select the **Flexible server** option and click on the **Quick Create** button
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    **What is Flexible Server?**\ \ Flexible Server in Azure Database for MySQL is a deployment option that provides more control and flexibility over database management, including server configuration, maintenance windows, and high availability options.\ \ **What is Wordpress + MySQL Fexible Server?**\ \ WordPress + MySQL Flexible Server is a pre-configured setup in Azure that deploys WordPress with a MySQL Flexible Server backend, offering a scalable and managed environment for hosting WordPress websites.
    Scroll to the **Workload type** section and click on the **Dev/Test** option
    **Flexible server** wizard will open, scroll to the **Resource group** section and click on the **Create new** link
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    **What is Resource group?**\ \ Resource Group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution, enabling you to manage and organize them as a single entity based on their lifecycle and permissions.
    **Resource group** wizard will open, give Name as "**databases-rg**" and click on the **OK** button
    Scroll to the **Server name** section and give the Name as "**mysqldatabasein28**"
    Scroll to the **Authentication method** section section and select the **MySQL authentication only** option
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    **What is MySQL authentication only option?**\ \ The MySQL authentication only option in Azure Database for MySQL restricts authentication to MySQL's native user authentication, enhancing compatibility and simplifying user management by using only MySQL credentials for database access.
    Scroll to the **Admin username** section and give the username as "**mysqldatabasein28**"
    Give the password in the **Password** input field and click on the **Review + create** button
    **Review** wizard will open, review all the configurations
    On the right side you can view the **Estimated costs** wizard
    Scroll the page and click on the **Create** button
    **Configure IP address in firewall rules** section and click on the **Create server without firewall rules** button
    **Your deployment is complete**