How to Create a New Sandpit Space | Scribe

    How to Create a New Sandpit Space

    • 9 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • VuVu
    Log into the [**Staff portal**](, and select **Access to Apps Dashboard**.
    Under **Learning & Teaching**, select **VU Collaborate Manager**.
    In the **Your Sandpits** section on the right, you will see all your personal sandpits. Click **New Sandpit** to create a new sandpit space.
    The new sandpit will be listed at the bottom of the current list.
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    You can have a maximum of **5 sandpits**. If you already have 5 sandpits, you need to delete one in order to create a new one.
    If you want to delete a sandpit, click on the **X icon** to the right of a sandpit.
    After creating your sandpits, you can access them the next time you log into [VU Collaborate]( via the **waffle icon**.
    If you have the option to search, enter the sandpit's name, which starts with your e-number, then click the **search icon**.
    From the list, click to access a sandpit.
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    If you don't have the option to search, locate your sandpit from the list.
    You can also access sandpits from the [VU Collaborate home page]( through the **My Delivery Spaces** widget, under **All** or **Sandpit** tabs.