Creating Team Managers | Scribe

    Creating Team Managers

    • 8 steps
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    Last updated: 7/3/24.
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    This guide will cover how to elevate an existing user to a team manager. To create a new user as a manager, please refer to the "Manually Creating a New User" or "Bulk Uploads and Status Changes of User" guides.

    User Roles

    There are 4 types of users in the system: 1. Learners (all users have these abilities): Are just in the system to take courses. 2. Managers: Are also in the system to track training for a small group of users. 3. Limited Training Administrator: Are pulling reports from the system. 4. Training Administrators: Are overseeing all facets of the training implementations. For a full breakdown of what each role can and cannot do, please see the graphic below.
    A graphic outlining what each role can and cannot do.  Please reach out to for a full readout of these abilities.
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    Users can have multiple roles. For example: a Limited TA could also be a Manager.

    Adding Manager Permissions to a User

    Login to your account at [](
    Click, "Manage My Learners."
    Click the **ellipses** to the right of the user you'd like to add Manager permissions to.
    Then, click "Edit."
    Click "Team Members"
    Then, enable, "This user manages a team"
    Add the members of their team, then click "UPDATE"