Creating Teams Card for Grant Tracking - 8/4/2023 | Scribe

Creating Teams Card for Grant Tracking - 8/4/2023

  • 0 step |
  • 4 minutes
    Step 1: Creating the card, click "Add Task"
    Enter the "Proposal Name" using the naming convention "PI Last Name - Sponsor - iRIS#
    Set the due date as the date by which the proposal must be submitted to the sponsor.
    How to place a due date on the card (cont.)
    Assign personnel to the card. *IMPORTANT* The assigned personnel will receive an email notification of the updates made in the comments section.
    Selecting your team member(s)
    Click "Add Task" to complete Step 1 of creating the card.
    Beginning of Step 2: Please click on the card to see a detailed version.
    Add Label: This is important because the labels signify the proposals: department (ie: SECP or LEAD) and the specific step the proposal is in. (Ie. "13A Meeting" or "Pre-application.")
    Please select the label(s) that apply to the card.
    Please select the "Progress" bar to show what stage this proposal is in: "Not Started", "In Progress", "Completed" Click here:
    Please select the "Priority" bar to show the level of priority "Low," "Medium," "Important," "Urgent." Click here:
    Please select the Start Date of the Proposal. ie: "when the grant proposal is initiated in our office." Click here:
    Please select the Due Date of the Proposal. ie: "when the grant proposal needs to be submitted to OSPA." Click here:
    Repeat: Will this grant repeat every year? This is typically "Does not repeat"
    Add notes: IMPORTANT, Please add the dollar of the amount of the grant first. Any notes necessary can be added after the dollar amount. Click here:
    Adding the checklist: The checklist is all documents that needed to be submitted to OSPA, Award arrival, and Sponsor submission. ie: Type "Budget [[enter]]" Type "PCF [[enter]]" Type "Scope of Work [[enter]]"
    Once the items are completed, click "Mark Complete" Click here:
    Comments Section: This is used to give updates for updates in the proposal. The personnel assigned to the card will get an email anytime a comment has been added. Click here:
    Show on Card Box is located below notes. If you click this, it will show each item that is on the checklist for the card. Click here:
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